
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Justice Clarence Thomas visits University of Tennessee

Official photo from the public domain
Justice Clarence Thomas is visiting Knoxville and the University of Tennessee this week. Thomas judged a moot court at UT Law School, and is attending the UT vs. Florida football game today. For more on his visit see Matt Lakin's News-Sentinal column here.

Thomas was the sole justice of the Supreme Court to apply the Privileges and Immunities Clause to the McDonald case earlier this year, writing a concurring opinion agreeing with the majority.

Thomas believes in the original intent of the Constitution, as has been seen in his votes and opinions. The McDonald case was a landmark case argued by attorney Alan Gura on behalf of Otis McDonald of Chicago.

This suit was supported by Alan Gottlieb and the Second Amendment Foundation, which is "Winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time."

The McDonald case is important to Tennesseeans because it "incorporates" the Second Amendment to all state and local governments.

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Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

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