
Sunday, March 8, 2015


From TAC2:

TAC2 is offering a TACTICAL FIRST AID CLASS on March 28, 2015, in Greeneville TN.

This is a MUST have class for anyone in the shooting/gun owner, or Security/Tactical services community, as statistically, we are much more likely to be personally involved, or at least be present when a gunshot or knife injury occurs.

The class will be taught by Dr. Clifford Bryant, Director and Chief Instructor of TAC2, and instructor, Nathan Smith - Paramedic with 15 yrs experience.

Pre-registration is REQUIRED, and can be done so online through our site, at:

Below are the particulars of the class, which can also be accessed by clicking this link:

This is a 1-day, 12 hour, Tactical First Aid class, that will cover most of the Life Threatening injuries, that statistically, we in the Shooting/Tactical Community have a higher than average chance of being involved in, whether directly, or just being present on the scene.  

The class is designed to give you the knowledge and skills necessary to Identify, Treat, and Stabilize the type of injuries that we are most likely to see, on the range, while hunting, or in a tactical environment.  We will cover low, medium, and high velocity gunshot wounds, puncture wounds and lacerations caused by knives or other implements, as well as blunt trauma.

This knowledge applies, not just to gunshot or knife wounds, etc., but any similar injury, caused by countless other methods, such as auto accidents, farming injuries, or falls, etc.

We will also cover how to recognize, and treat "shock", REAL SHOCK, not what TV and Movies portray it as.

The class will not only include discussion and video, etc., but there will also be hands on training in the proper use of first aid supplies.  You will learn just what those supplies should be, and where to obtain them. 

Unfortunately, most folks taking a class like this, won't go put together a kit with the items needed.  That's why each student of this class will be provide with their own “Blow Out Bag”.  The kit will be made up of items you can readily purchase from Wal-Mart, or Walgreen's, etc., however, we will have some of the more sophisticated, easier to use items on hand for purchase as well.

This class is designed for today's societal situation, where we can expect trained medical help to arrive on scene in less than an hour.  We will learn how to stop the bleeding, restore breathing, etc., and stabilize the victim until we can hand them off to the medics.

Date:  March 28, 2015

Hours: 8 a.m. till 8:00 p.m.

The cost for this class is only $150, which includes your own Blow Out Bag.

The class will be in Greeneville TN, but the exact  location will be determined later, based on number of students, and you will be advised at least a couple of days prior to class day.

For more information on all our services, visit our web site at:

We hope you can join us for this very informative class.

Dr. Clifford Bryant
President - TAC2

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