
Friday, February 24, 2017

O'Charley's commercial

Why do businesses choose to do commercials that demean? The latest is O'Charley's ad in which the woman says in a fake? Southern accent "I'll pray for you."

Here's what I wrote to O'Charley's:

Your "I'll pray for you" attempt at humor did not amuse me, in fact it had just the opposite effect on me. There are plenty of other places that want my business that haven't demeaned southerner's accent and faith in one fell swoop.

If you would like to express your thoughts to O''Charley's, here's the link:


  1. I agree and the accent is so fake . Coming from a family that actually speaks that way I take it as an insult. Not that they have ever had my business but they most certainly won't now.

  2. I am so glad that I am not the only one who was insulted by the accent and the religious slap. I will spend my money at restaurants where they do not insult my heritage.

  3. OMG. Snowflakes need to lighten up and stop being so "holier than thou" and being so offended at everything. That is what people do today, whine and cry over everything. You have to have a bit thicker skin to get by in this world. Put on your big girl panties and grow up. Have a set and deal with it.. Like you have never made fun at someone else's expense. It's all in good fun. This commercial was hilarious.

  4. I'll pray for you

  5. Didn't anyone notice that the fake southerner was wearing a homemade dress, a beehive hairdo and unplucked eyebrows? That commercial specifies a certain evangelical Christian group.

  6. How could they possibly think this commercial will help business. it definitely turns me against the place.

  7. The only thing that ticked me off was that they took the "I'll pray for ya" out...thought it was cute and not demeaning at all. Lighten up people & smile a little.

  8. Seems all the people that liked the commercial have the same name:




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