
Friday, May 11, 2018

Guess who I saw at NRA 2018 in Dallas

Here are a few pictures with some folks I saw at NRA. I have included hot links you can follow.

I was sitting in the audience at the NRA ILA Leadership Forum, waiting for the VPOTUS and POTUS to speak. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and there was Il Ling New, a Facebook friend and firearms instructor at Gunsite Academy. 

Here is Vice President Pence. You can hear his speech HERE.

Here is President Trump. You can hear his NRA speech HERE.

I had to leave the Leadership Forum for an interview with NPR, but I was able to catch Diamond and Silk's live feed later in the Press Room:

Here I am in the press room with Rick Ector of Detroit, my pal John Richardson, and competetive shooter Annette Evans.

Here I am with champion shooter Julie Golob.

Here I am with former Secret Service agent and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino.

John Richardson got tickets to Michael Bane's party. Appropriatly, it was named Cinco de Baneo.

Here I am with a new friend Jason Crotteau, owner of Wyoming Tactical LLC

Here's John Richardson with Michael Bane.

Here I am with Michael at his party.

I saw some other friends also, too many to mention. It was great seeing over 87,000 of my best friends at NRA in Dallas.

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