
Tuesday, April 2, 2019


On March 25, I sent the email below to Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. To date I have not heard back from him. I have a feeling that I shouldn't hold my breath.

If I do hear back from him, I will post his reply.
Dear Governor Lee,

Elsewhere, you state " I am committed to eliminating the carry permit fee for gun-owners, because no one should have to pay a tax for exercising their constitutional rights." ( (now a dead link)). This would imply a permit at no charge. 

On another page, you state "Constitutional Carry - - You shouldn’t have to pay a fee to exercise your constitutional rights. I’d work with the legislature on any proposal where we can expand your constitutional rights, and I’ll sign legislation to make it happen."

But a question is, will state employees, such as THP officers continue to appear in committee meetings and testify against Constitutional Carry?

You have also been quoted as clearly saying you "would sign constitutional carry" in Loudon.

For the record, I heard (former) Governor Haslam promise a TFA group I attended that he would sign CC, and I have seen the video where he promised the same to another TFA group. Yet his minions worked diligently in committee meetings to assure the legislation never reached his desk, thus allowing him to keep his promise.

When will you begin to work for passage of Constitutional Carry.

I will post your answer on my website:

Liston Matthews

1 comment:

  1. Well, a long time coming. We shall see.


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