Friday, August 29, 2014

Thank your GI

Today, I checked the temperature in the attic. 117 degrees Fahrenheit. I think about the GI's we have sent over to the hot sandbox. In addition to bugs and bullets, they are dealing with that kind of heat or more daily.

If you think that's not too bad, take your lawn chair up there and sit a while in shorts and a T-shirt. Then think about wearing/carrying boots, pants, jacket, flak vest, helmet, rifle, ammo, food, water, etc., and going for a hike around your attic.

Yeah, thank your GI!
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Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Smoky Mountain Rapist gets 27 years

The rascal was already in prison, had been there before, and preyed on this woman in the Park. The law got him, after the fact. Knoxville and Farragut disarm victims before the fact. Read my Examiner commentary HERE.
If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Eric Holder has great empathy . . .

. . . except for black woman with a legal gun. Read about it HERE
If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kroger snubs Bloomberg group

This week, Kroger refused to kowtow to Bloomberg's minions. Please follow the link in the story and thank Kroger. Read the story  HERE
If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lessons from Ferguson, Missouri

Here are some points to ponder, when considering the last week+ in Ferguson, in no particular order.

  • If you are considering getting a defensive firearm, don't wait until you need it.
  • The police were not available to protect stores. Do you think that in a major calamity, they will prioritize on you?
  • Whether the officer was justified in shooting or not, his life is forever changed.
  • The bullet hits shown in the autopsy report on TV last night would be consistent with flinching. A right-handed shooter will often place shots to the lower left. If the young man was charging the officer, as one report stated, the first shots to the lower left would have been followed by the shots that got higher, culminating in the lethal shot into the head.
  • Some ask, why so many shots. The simple answer is that in a defensive situation (assuming that to be the case here), one shoots until the threat ceases.
  • A firearm or two with ammunition, emergency food supply, and water, are always in good order.
  • Civil order can deteriorate very quickly.

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shiloh's Brew and Chew owner speaks to Farragut Gun Club

About three weeks ago, I reported on Shiloh's Brew and Chew's owner, Sharma Floyd, putting up Guns are Welcome signs.

Here is the video of Sharma Floyd speaking to the Farragut Gun Club about her decision, and the results of that decision.

 See my examiner piece HERE.

If you find this article to be informative or interesting, please share the link with your friends. Feel free to share the entire article, including this link back:

Disclaimer: The information and ideas presented in this column are provided for informational purposes only. Gun rights, like all other Constitutionally recognized rights, must be exercised responsibly. Firearms, like cars, kitchen knives and life itself all can be dangerous. You should get professional training as part of any plan to use firearms for any purpose. I have made a reasonable, good-faith effort to assure that the content of this column is accurate. I have no control over what you do, and specifically accept no responsibility for anything you do as a result of reading my columns. Any action or lack of action on your part is strictly your responsibility.