Monday, February 16, 2015

If you can't ban guns, try ammo . . .

. . . starve those AR-15's to death.

Examiner David Codrea reports of the Administration's proposal to ban commonly used ammo HERE.

The predictable result will be shortages and higher prices on ammo, assymetrically affecting lower-income citizens' ability to buy effective defensive rifle ammo.

"I support the Second Amendment, BUT....

Another example of Goldilocks gun laws.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

JPFO Update (reprinted with permission)

An Update On
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

From the passing of Aaron Zelman in December 2010 to its Adoption
by the Second Amendment Foundation in September 2014

by Alan Korwin
with guidance from
Rabbinic Director Dovid Bendory
former Executive Director Charles Heller
former Board of Directors officer Bob Meier
When Aaron Zelman left this world on December 21, 2010, after 21 years as the founder and mastermind behind Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, he left the world a significant ideological legacy.
JPFO was Aaron’s invention and creation, and like similar constructs, it reflected him uniquely from top to bottom. There was no other Moses figure to step in and take over. He had put his people on the path out of an iron bondage of mental oppression, a firearm slavery that took social, psychological and physical forms.
JPFO served a function matched by no other group in the freedom struggle, mobilizing a constituency that up to that point lacked voice. Oddly enough, it resonated as loudly with Gentiles as with Jews, a point that surprised Aaron but one he took in stride. He happily accepted any support in the quintessential battle that would never again allow government—or anyone—to attempt to wipe out His People—or anyone.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

U.S. Flag being forced down in View Harbor Subdivision

Today, at 3 pm in View Harbor Subdivision in West Knox County, an Air Force veteran is being forced to quit flying the Stars and Stripes by the petty potentates of her HOA. The address is:

If yo can spare a few minutes on this busy Valentine's day, come out and show support for Delia Foster, a 24-year Air Force veteran, as she strikes the colors with the help of the American Legion.

The story was reported by Channel 10 and Channel 8 last night:

The Congress and the Tennessee Legislature should act on this clear​ freedom of expression issue. Any lout is Constitutionally protected if he wants to burn Old Glory, but someone who signed a contract to give her all, up to and including her very life; then gave 24 years for her, can't fly Old Glory!
​Please come out and support Foster.​

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Gun Control Act of 1968 crumbling around the edges

Alan Gura wins another important gun rights case. See my Examiner commentary, with a little history HERE.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Vermont ‘gun control’ push draws organized opposition

David Codrea reports on the state that has "Constitutional Carry", since, like for-ev-er!

It has worked well for them. They don't need more stinkin' gun control laws, either.

Tennessee 2015 Guns in Parks bill gets media attention

WBIR-TV interviewed Mayor Ralph McGill and me on the issue. McGill feels he must maintain control of citizens who:

  • Have no felony convictions
  • Have never been convicted of domestic violence
  • Have no history of mental illness, aclohol or drug addiction
  • Have passed an FBI background check, with fingerprints on file with the FBI
  • Have passed mandatory training in firearms usage and applicable law

Yet Farragut does not provide any semblance of security at Farragut parks, or along greenways. Felons are free to come and go as they please.

How long has it been since you have seen any armed security at Farragut parks?

See the interviews and further commentary at Examiner HERE.