Thursday, February 26, 2015

No hate crime charges against George Zimmerman

Turns out the Obama Administration's DOJ was not able to gin up find any evidence with which to charge Zimmerman with a hate crime.

I guess not. The evidence at trial clearly showed that Zimmerman was on the brink of having his skull turned into a bowl of mush. Further commentary at Examiner HERE.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Terrorists abetted by Mall of America gun policy

Examiner David Codrea talks about this fantasy of designated Gun Free Zones HERE.

Knoxville has its share, too. Proceed at your own risk!

College student opportunity at NRA convention in Nashville

Update - this event begins at 10:00 am.

College student have an exciting opportunity to attend the first ever Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference during NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits! 

Read about it in my Examiner article HERE.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Gun-ban hypocrisy has long inglorious history

Remember Carl Rowan, the anti-gun DC journalist who shot a youth in his backyard? The hypocrisy continues. . .

Read my Examiner commentary on this ongoing phenomenon HERE.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Race Relations and Law Enforcement

Reprinted by permission from IMPRIMUS, a publication of Hillsdale College.

Jason L. Riley
Editorial Board Member, Wall Street Journal

Jason L. Riley on Race Relations and Law EnforcementJason L. Riley is an editorial board member and a senior editorial page writer at the Wall Street Journal, where he writes on politics, economics, education, immigration, and race. He is also a FOX News contributor and appears regularly on Special Report with Bret Baier. Previously, he worked for USA Today and the Buffalo News. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is the author of Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on January 30, 2015, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.
Thomas Sowell once said that some books you write for pleasure, and others you write out of a sense of duty, because there are things to be said—and other people have better sense than to say them. My new book, Please Stop Helping Us, falls into that latter category. When I started out as a journalist 20 years ago, I had no expectation of focusing on race-related topics. People like Sowell and Shelby Steele and Walter Williams and a few other independent black thinkers, to my mind at least, had already said what needed to be said, had been saying it for decades, and had been saying it more eloquently than I ever could. But over the years, and with some prodding from those guys, it occurred to me that not enough younger blacks were following in their footsteps. It also occurred to me that many public policies aimed at the black underclass were just as wrongheaded as ever. The fight wasn’t over. A new generation of black thinkers needed to explain what’s working and what isn’t, and why, to a new generation of readers. And the result is this book, which I hope will help to bring more light than heat to the discussion of race.
The book is not an autobiography or a memoir, but I do tell a few stories about growing up black and male in the inner city. And one of the stories involves a trip back home to Buffalo, New York, where I was born and raised. I was visiting my older sister shortly after I had begun working at the Wall Street Journal, and I was chatting with her daughter, my niece, who was maybe in the second grade at the time. I was asking her about school, her favorite subjects, that sort of thing, when she stopped me and said, “Uncle Jason, why you talk white?” Then she turned to her little friend who was there and said, “Don’t my uncle sound white? Why he tryin’ to sound so smart?”

Monday, February 16, 2015

Should guns be tax-exempt?

I address this question, with a look at the Newspaper exemption in my Examiner column HERE.