Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The problem with Common Core

Dr. Mike Carlson takes a look at Common Core, and finds it lacking:

The problem with a helping of Federal funding is that it is always served with a side of Federal control.

Remember the double-nickel speed limit imposed by the states? The Feds did not have the power to "require" the states to impose the speed limit. But, they did use the coercive force of the purse strings to "gently persuade" the states to get in line.

I still recall vividly the tenth of June, 1976, while travelling the Pennsylvania Turnpike at the speed limit, being passed by a limo with government plates. I would guess that the limo was running at about 75 or 80.

I bet those behind imposing these CC standards almost exclusively send their children to private schools.

Rules for thee, but not for me. . .

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Colt Tactical Pen

Found this at Smoky Mountain Knife Works, about ten bucks. Appears to be rather sturdy. Takes a Parker ball point refill.
Colt Tactical Pen
Turrns out the Zebra F-701 does poorly on submarine duty: One trip through the washing machine, and bye-bye Mr. Zebra.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Post 1986 machinegun ban illegal?

Long story short. In 1934, a $200 transfer tax was imposed on purchases of machineguns. Sales of newly manufactured machineguns were banned in 1986.

Can the government show that one can be denied the unalienable right to such a militia firearm?
Can the law pass the strict scrutiny test? I think not.

Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea reports HERE.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


From TAC2:

TAC2 is offering a TACTICAL FIRST AID CLASS on March 28, 2015, in Greeneville TN.

This is a MUST have class for anyone in the shooting/gun owner, or Security/Tactical services community, as statistically, we are much more likely to be personally involved, or at least be present when a gunshot or knife injury occurs.

The class will be taught by Dr. Clifford Bryant, Director and Chief Instructor of TAC2, and instructor, Nathan Smith - Paramedic with 15 yrs experience.

Pre-registration is REQUIRED, and can be done so online through our site, at:

Below are the particulars of the class, which can also be accessed by clicking this link:

This is a 1-day, 12 hour, Tactical First Aid class, that will cover most of the Life Threatening injuries, that statistically, we in the Shooting/Tactical Community have a higher than average chance of being involved in, whether directly, or just being present on the scene.  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

odeur de Bloomberg

Examiner David Codrea reports on an Illinois Bill introduction that has the odeur de Bloomberg all over it.

This draconian bill was introduced by Democrat State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins (not that Jackie Collins).

From her bio:
In 1984, she served as press liaison for the Rev. Jesse Jackson during the Democratic National Convention . . . .  and also had the distinction of serving as a 2001 Legislative Fellow for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in Washington, D.C.
So, this bill, coming from one associated with the 1994 gun ban cabal, should come as no surprise.